Classes & Offerings

Personalized, Client-Centered Experience

Foster your yoga mindset today. 

Yoga Kinship provides a bespoke practice for individuals, partners, groups, companies and organizations. We begin with a 30-minute virtual consultation to assess your lifestyle, health and wellness goals. Through designing a tailored yoga mindset program, we can work together to meet your exact needs.


Begin or dive deeper into your wellness journey with one-on-one classes that suit your busy schedule.

- Hips or hamstrings tight?
- Lower back pain?
- Anxiety or restlessness?
- Finding balance and grounding tough?
- Need to improve mobility and flexibility? - Need to strengthen muscle and increase tone?

Our classes are designed just for you, with recorded sessions to build your personal yoga library and deepen your practice. Unlimited email communication and regular check-ins ensure you are always in control of your journey and feel supported every step of the way.

Book a Consultation

Business or Organization

Provide wellness, healing and support to your employees and/or the communities you serve through movement.

Clients Include: Spotify, Troutman Pepper, Wyndham Resorts, Atlanta Pride, The Fugees Academy, The Queen of Manifestation

Book a Consultation

Make the first move.

Schedule your free, no commitment consulation. 

Let's talk.

Contact me to to learn more about opportunities and offerings.

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